Day Five! The number five reminds me of a cute little song that the kids and I used to sing together. Hearing it makes me smile. :)
Today was a simple day. I researched sales papers and cut coupons so that I would be ready for grocery day. Grocery day is the day that I choose to go shopping for, what else ... groceries. This of course is no easy task. With food being so high priced these days I do as much as I can to get the most for my money. I compare sales ads, compute the prices of the items minus the coupons I have and then create a list of who has what and where. From there I plan out what to buy from whom. Then I create a dinner menu out of the items that I plan on purchasing. It sounds like a lot of work, but it is well worth it when it comes time to eat.
Aside from organizing for grocery and attempting to meditate and pray ... I made sure to get some much needed rest. I love Fall and the weather it brings, but my sinuses don't like the change. I took some sinus headache medicine and slept. You can't have rainbows without rain.

Mind - Make note of 25 positive things in my life.
Body - Take a walk and collect 10 beautiful things.
Spirit - Take time to sit and be quiet.360/365
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