Day Three ...
Okay, so Nickelback's no Maya Angelou but this song does inspire and motive me. While surfing the web for inspirational quotes this morning I ran across this video. It really made me stop and think ... what if today was my last day. I realized that I am in no way ready to go on to that great beyond. I have so much to do, so many things left undone and unspoken words that must be said. Not only that, but my world is still to negative to depart. I can't leave here feeling that my life was a waste or was to miserable to be of any importance. I still have much to learn and new heights to grow to. Since none of us really knows when our last day will be I plan on living every day as though it were my ending. I plan on making it a happy one.
Inspiration for the day taken care of, I focused on bettering my body. I had planned on taking a walk and that's exactly what I did. I slipped on my purple rain boots and trekked across the yard toward the woods. My walk wasn't a long one but it was enjoyable. The leaves are starting to change around here and the air has a hint of Fall. I pushed past weeds that have been left untouched, allowing them to grow into bushes. I listened to the sounds of nature and spent a while watching two squirrels chase each other from tree to tree. The walk wasn't strenuous but it was definitely exercise.
With the day turning into night I have settled in with a bowl of homemade beef stew and a good book. I plan to read Red's Hot Honky-Tonk Bar
Tasks for 08/29/10 :
Mind - Write something creative.
Body - Take a walk.
Spirit - Learn meditation.362/365
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